Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The co-drivers view: Autobahn A2

In this episode of "the co-drivers view", we take a drive on the German Autobahn A2, which connects the Ruhr area in western Germany to Berlin in the east. Because the Autobahn A2 connects several large industrial areas and is an important route for connecting Eastern Europe with Western Europe, the road is constantly rebuilt and upgraded. In the late 1990s, the A2 was completely rebuilt and nowadays has three lanes and a shoulder in each direction.

This video shows a westbound stretch of the Autobahn A2 in the Ruhr area from Recklinghausen in the direction of Bottrop. Driving on a regular Tuesday morning during the wet summer of 2012, heavy rain hinders the traffic on the Autobahn. Although this part of the A2 is unlimited, the weather and traffic enforce slower speeds onto the driver. After a few minutes a traffic jam develops because of a small accident ahead, which has probably been caused by the rain. The police is already on the scene with their Volkswagen Passat Variant, in order to reduce the nuisance and danger of follow-up accidents as soon as possible.

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