Monday, June 13, 2011

The co-drivers view: Sunday on the Autobahn

The German Autobahn, subject of many discussions around the world. One say it is the ultimate road of freedom, while others claim that the freedom is curtailed by many speed limits and other traffic. On a nice sunday in may I turned the car into a camera car to give you an impression of what is going on this road of speed.

An Audi A6 3.0 TDI Avant (4F / 2011) is a perfectly suitable car for the Autobahn, it has enough power to drive at high speeds (200 to 250km/h or 125 to 155mph/h) while still having a moderate fuel consumption.

In this video we drive in central Germany along the Autobahn "A6" towards the east, from Frankenthal towards Heidelberg (greater Frankfurt area). You will see that on certain parts (bridges, road works, interchanges, near urban areas) the speed is limited while on the regular stretches one can drive as fast as he / she wishes (letting it fly at 155mp/h 04:45).
Also you can notice that most cars move towards the right when a faster car approaches (01:05), although some drivers to not respect this unwritten rule and still get in the way (04:20). This also works the other way around, if traffic in the left lane cannot move to the right the approaching driver usually waits and does not tailgate or use signals to indicate his / hers wish to overtake.

Ater the "Dreieck Viernheim" interchange the Autobahn A6 switches to a 3-lane road with generally leads to a more relaxter and faster travel because there is less trafic in the left lane.

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